OHY Mother's Day Newsletter


Let's Celebrate Moms!

Make a $100 donation to Open Heart Yoga by clicking “donate” below, print out your emailed receipt as well as this Gift Card, and give it to Mom for her to receive a month of unlimited yoga!

Since it's better to give than receive, with this purchase Mom will also be able to choose her favorite nonprofit Community Partner and we'll donate a month to a Mom involved in the organization of her choice. 


Taste Of Little Silver

Come welcome Spring and celebrate with our community at Taste of Little Silver! Enjoy a great day full of live entertainment from local musicians, food from local eateries, and great company! Stop by our booth on May 18th from 2-7pm where you can chat with some of our OHY Family and browse through our new merchandise! 

We can also answer any questions you have and help you navigate the MindBody website.


partners yoga

Partner up and come to OHY's first workshop on June 9th from 4-6pm! Dan Abbott and Bridget Reipl will lead us through series of poses to practice together with a partner. Check Instagram and our website this weekend for updates, pricing, and how to sign up.

Every month we have a lot in store, keep up to date with our emails and social media platforms to be sure to stay in the loop about upcoming events such as Tigger House's "Yoga For A Cause," yoga classes at Monmouth University, and future workshops. 

Whether it's Day 1 or Day 1,000 of your yoga practice, we love to have every ability level present in our studio, so sign up or continue to sign up for classes on our website to make a Yoga Lifestyle part of your routine!

Thank you again to everyone who sent loving, positive thoughts our way and made our Ribbon Cutting so special! We are so grateful to be a part of the Red Bank Community, and we cannot wait to see what your light will bring to our studio!