
Mary Ansell

Yoga instructor

Originally a public school teacher, Mary combined her love for teaching and volunteering with her passion for yoga to transition towards another exciting path…becoming a yoga teacher in a nonprofit studio.  On her yoga mat, she set an intention and with the hep of many, it came to fruition.

She has been practicing for over 20 years and has attended training and seminars including courses with Jonny Kest at Kripalu, Bikram Choudhury in Philadelphia,  James Fox's Prison Yoga Project in New York, Dharma Mittra, Paulie Zink and Tao Porchon workshops, Yoga Journal Live Seminars in NYC, and Yoga Retreats, Festivals and Conferences throughout the country. She is registered with Yoga Alliance as a RYT500 Hatha Yoga Teacher. Mary taught Vinyasa and Hot Yoga at Colts Neck Yoga. She teaches yoga at Ranney High School, Edgewater Beach Club and for various non profits, fundraisers, retreats and workshops including Tigger House Foundation’s Yoga for a Cause, weekly classes at the 180 Turning Lives Around SafeHouse, Monmouth Medical’s Cancer Center, and a local High School Varsity Football Team .

Mary resides in Shrewsbury with her husband and three children and enjoys supporting their charitable, athletic, musical and other interests. She loves traveling with her family and continues to be inspired by practicing at local yoga studios wherever their family adventures take them.Yoga enraptured her because although she originally came to the mat for a physical goal in mind, she attained countless mental and emotional benefits as well and became part of a supportive yoga community encompassing wonderful people. She hopes Open Heart Yoga will provide greater access to Yoga and Mindfulness and create a more diverse and inclusive environment to practice.

“As I guide yogis through a class, I hope they empower themselves in many ways, leaving leave their mat stronger, uplifted and enriched. We practice on the mat for benefits off the mat. Practice Yoga- Give Yoga- Unite Community.”